The small semi-detached home was originally just over 7 feet wide at the rear, with very limited space to widen into on the lot. The rear half of the house was widened 30 inches. Any more would have required variances, which the clients wanted to av
 Bringing in natural light and bold colour into the narrow space help it feel fresh and comfortable. A new full height sliding door also offers easy access to the backyard.
 Every opportunity for storage and display was taken advantage of, with narrow ledges and niches incorporated throughout. The playful mix of colours and materials evokes the quirky yet homey kitchens of the 1960s, and nods to kitsch while still feeli
 The existing kitchen was extremely narrow, and the ground floor offered no dining seating at all. Incorporating a dining area into the kitchen was paramount. A cozy banquette is nestled in behind the kitchen, offering a place to eat, or lounge while
 A large expanse of display shelving runs the full length of the kitchen and houses the bulk of their collection. It’s a maximalist display that gives the growing collection a level of organization, while embracing the eclectic jumble of items.
 The view from the hall into the new kitchen
 In the original layout, the only bathroom in the house was located at the rear of the ground floor. Adding a second story addition on top of the existing ground floor allowed for a master bedroom with more ergonomic proportions than the original cra
 The small bathroom efficiently uses every inch of space, even squeezing in enough room for a double shower at one end. Several sun tunnels were added to bring in natural light to the windowless room.
 The cat’s litter box is cleverly hidden inside the millwork. Sliding doors offer easy access for cleaning, and keep litter dust out of the bathroom.
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